
This was a chance find… Rte 407 is in Carroll County, and connects Rte 27 to I-270.. for the most part, it runs through a quiet rural community, mostly farmland and dairy farms. I came upon this old abandoned gas station, with its vivid colors, and HAD to stop. I had my OM-1n with me, with the Vivitar 28-85mm “Stovepipe” lens. This particular Vivitar was made by Kino Precision, and has a bit of history about it. It’s a beautiful lens… fast and sharp.

Gas Station #1
Gas Station #2

Photographed with a Olympus OM-1n, Vivitar 28-85mm f/2.8-3.5 lens and Fuji 200 HQ Super film

text and images © 2007 ajoy muralidhar. all names, websites, brands and technical data referenced are the copyright or trademark of their respective owners.
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This beautiful old house and barn are now part of the Montgomery County park system, and they are beautifully preserved. The family apparently originally made it’s fortune from running a general store on Ridge Road (now MD Rte 27), and later expanded into farming.

I drive past Cedar Grove every day on my way to work, but Rte 27 is very busy in the mornings during the week. The lighting is much better in the mornings, though, so I returned to Cedar Grove one Saturday morning, and parked a few hundred yards away at the ancient Cedar Grove gas station that is probably the site of the original store and walked down.

I had just restored the light seals on the OM-1n so I decided to use it with the Winder 2. I had not replaced the light meter cell, and since it was such a bright day, I used the Sunny f/16 exposure settings for all the shots. The lens was the Kino made Vivitar 28-85mm stovepipe.

Cedar Grove #1
Cedar Grove #2
Cedar Grove #3
Cedar Grove #4
Cedar Grove #5

Photographed with an Olympus OM-1n and Vivitar 28-85mm lens on Fujicolor Super HQ 200 ASA film. Exposure was at 1/250 second at f/11 to compensate for the Circular Polarizer. I had also carried the Ricoh 500G rangefinder as a backup, and will post additional pictures when I have the film developed.

text and images © 2007 ajoy muralidhar. all names, websites, brands and technical data referenced are the copyright or trademark of their respective owners.
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